uncover your legs - learning about varicose vein treatmentsuncover your legs - learning about varicose vein treatments

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uncover your legs - learning about varicose vein treatments

Are you tired of hiding your legs through the summer because of those unsightly spider veins? Did you know that you do not have to continue hiding your legs? I had no idea that any procedure existed that could remove the varicose veins on my legs. I had suffered and sweated through many hot summers, missed out on many events with my kids, and had been embarrassed for so many years. Since having the procedure done, my life has changed. You can find the answers to the same questions that I had on my site. These answers will make getting the procedure completed an easy decision for you to make.


Pelvic Pain: Schedule A Gynecology Appointment Today

If you suffer from unexplained pelvic pain after your menstruation goes off, you may blame your pain on a bladder infection. Although bladder infections can cause pelvic pain, they may not be the only reasons for it. A gynecologist can examine your pelvis to see why you suffer from unexplained pelvic pain. Learn more about pelvic pain and why you should make a gynecology appointment for it below.

Why Do You Have Pelvic Pain? 

Your pelvis contains some of the most vulnerable and important organs in your body, including your uterus and bladder. Some women can experience or develop cramps in their pelvis after their periods, or menstruations, go off. After-period pelvic cramps or pain can frustrate and confuse the individuals it affects. 

Several things may cause after-period pelvic cramps, including ovarian cysts. Ovarian cysts are lumps of abnormal cells that grow on or inside your ovaries. The growths can expand large enough to damage or suppress your ovaries. You may not know you have ovarian cysts until a gynecologist examines you.

Along with ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease, and uterine fibroids may also cause unexplained pelvic pain after your period. The diseases or conditions may potentially get worse without prompt gynecology care. 

If you need answers about your pelvic pain, schedule a gynecology appointment today. 

How Do You Treat Pelvic Pain?

A number of things may occur during your gynecology appointment, including a pelvic exam and a Pap smear. A pelvic exam and Pap smear allow a women's doctor to examine and obtain samples of your reproductive organs, including your cervix. Your cervix leads to your uterus and ovaries. If cancer cells develop in the cervix, it can cause unexplained pain and other symptoms.

A gynecologist may also check your bladder for issues during your appointment. Bladder infections can spread unnoticed over time. If bacteria infect the organs in your pelvis, you can develop pelvic pain.

If your exam returns positive for ovarian cysts, fibroids, or another condition, a gynecologist will schedule you for additional exams and treatment. The exams allow a doctor to monitor your reproductive system for changes that may indicate cancer or another potentially dangerous condition. If necessary, a gynecologist may refer you to a specialist for more exams and tests.

If a bladder infection is behind your after-period pelvic pain, you may take antibiotics as a treatment for it. The medications help alleviate your pain by destroying the bacteria living inside your bladder.

Learn more about your unexplained after-period pelvic pain by consulting a gynecologist today.