uncover your legs - learning about varicose vein treatmentsuncover your legs - learning about varicose vein treatments

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uncover your legs - learning about varicose vein treatments

Are you tired of hiding your legs through the summer because of those unsightly spider veins? Did you know that you do not have to continue hiding your legs? I had no idea that any procedure existed that could remove the varicose veins on my legs. I had suffered and sweated through many hot summers, missed out on many events with my kids, and had been embarrassed for so many years. Since having the procedure done, my life has changed. You can find the answers to the same questions that I had on my site. These answers will make getting the procedure completed an easy decision for you to make.


3 Symptoms You Should Discuss With Your Doctor

Many people have unusual or recurrent symptoms they simply manage on their own, without telling a doctor. There are several symptoms you should have evaluated by your doctor to make sure it is nothing serious.

Unusual Infections

Even seemingly minor infections can be a warning sign of chronic diseases. You might find skin infections, such as yeast or boils, become recurrent. Women, especially, might have frequent yeast infections that begin to become resistant to over-the-counter treatments. Any infection should be reported to your doctor, especially if they are frequent or uncommon, such as thrush in adults. Sometimes frequent infections can be a sign of diabetes or immune system dysfunction, such as HIV/AIDS. In addition to treating your current infection, your doctor may want to do blood tests to rule out any other underlying conditions.


It's not usual to notice swelling, especially in your lower body if you are frequently on your feet. If you suddenly experience swelling, especially if you press the area and it leaves a dent, you may want to check with your doctor. Sometimes swelling can be attributed to hypertension or other cardiovascular concerns, which can require daily medications to prevent worsening of the condition. Other symptoms that might occur with swelling that are especially concerning are headaches, nausea, heart palpitations, or shortness of breath. If you are experiencing concerning symptoms, especially ones that could be consistent with a heart attack or stroke, it is more important to be evaluated at the emergency room to rule-out any life-threatening problems and follow-up with your family doctor.


A fever can be a sign of an infection, such as the common cold, flu, or a sinus infection, but if you do not show any other signs and frequently have a fever, it is important to have a check-up. Your doctor might want to check for enlarged lymph nodes, especially if you frequently have a fever, night sweats, and fatigue, which could be a sign of lymphoma or leukemia. Fevers can also be a sign of autoimmune diseases, especially if you have other symptoms, such as joint pain, rashes, or a history of heart and/or kidney problems. Any vague collection of symptoms can warrant further testing for autoimmune diseases, especially lupus, which can masquerade as any number of other conditions and are frequently misdiagnosed.

Many seemingly benign symptoms can be indicative of more serious conditions. Do not be afraid to ask your doctor about your symptoms and have the necessary tests to rule-out other medical conditions. Contact a clinic, like Choice Medical Group, for more help.