uncover your legs - learning about varicose vein treatmentsuncover your legs - learning about varicose vein treatments

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uncover your legs - learning about varicose vein treatments

Are you tired of hiding your legs through the summer because of those unsightly spider veins? Did you know that you do not have to continue hiding your legs? I had no idea that any procedure existed that could remove the varicose veins on my legs. I had suffered and sweated through many hot summers, missed out on many events with my kids, and had been embarrassed for so many years. Since having the procedure done, my life has changed. You can find the answers to the same questions that I had on my site. These answers will make getting the procedure completed an easy decision for you to make.


3 "Embarrassing" Situations You Should Be Honest With Your Gynecologist About

A gynecologist, such as at Central Iowa OB/Gyn Specialists, PLC, handles some of your most sensitive and personal health issues, but it can still be embarrassing to give him or her all of your most intimate details. No matter how embarrassing it might be, however, it is important to be honest with your OB/GYN. He or she is a healthcare provider who has probably heard and seen everything, so it shouldn't be a big deal. If it is, it's time to start shopping around for a new OB/GYN. These are a few so-called "embarrassing" situations that you should be honest with your gynecologist about.

1. Incontinence

If you suffer from incontinence, you might feel as if you are alone. However, a whopping 20 to 30 percent of young women have this issue, and as many as 50 percent of older women suffer from incontinence. This means that you should not be embarrassed to tell your OB/GYN about your situation. There could be a health-related issue at play that your doctor needs to know about, and your OB/GYN might be able to recommend treatments that can help with this issue.

2. Previous STDs

There are many reasons why you might have ended up with an STD in the past. If the STD was treated, however, you might not think that it's something that you should tell your gynecologist. If you had your STD treated at another OB/GYN's office, the information might be in your medical file. If you were treated at a health department or sexual health clinic, however, your doctor may not know about it. If you have had an STD in the past, it could affect things like your fertility, or it could increase your chances of developing certain types of cancer. Letting your doctor know about your past can help him or her watch out for certain healthcare issues and provide you with guidance for things like getting pregnant.

3. Number of Sexual Partners

You may not want to give your "notch count" to your doctor, but it's important to do so. If you have slept with someone new, particularly if the sex was unprotected, then you may need to be tested for STDs. If it is found that you do have an STD, it will be important to "fess up" so that any affected or potentially affected parties can be contacted. It might seem uncomfortable to disclose this information to your gynecologist, but he or she works in the sexual health industry, so there is truly nothing to be ashamed of.